Now that Caledor is yours, Ulthuan is ready for the taking whether by force or by diplomacy.Greetings, WARHAMMER fans! We hope you’re sitting comfortably, because Update 2.2 is here and it is, in technical parlance, a ‘whopper’! Given his buffs to dragon units and Dragon Princes, as well as the Fire Mage Mikaela, you’ll soon become unstoppable, aggressively annihilating anyone who gets in your way. These powerful units will, undoubtedly, completely change the way you approach Total War: Warhammer II‘s campaign. Just remember to disband some of Erethond’s troops because his army can be costly.Īlthough the luck dragon, Falkor, isn’t one of them, Prince Imrik is still able to field multiple unique dragons to his side. Caledor will be yours (along with its Waystone building), and you can start buddying up with the other High Elves of Ulthuan once the confederation penalty elapses. The first option is easily the best since Ulthuan will remain relatively safe throughout your Total War: Warhammer II campaign.